Website Speed Matters - how does your site measure up ?

website load time - First Contentful Paint (FCP) is now a ranking factor especially for all mobile devices
A ONE second delay will result in 10% less converions

Conversions = Sales = Revenue - dont leave money on the table

40% of will abandon a website that tales two seconds or longer to load

Dp you really want to lose that many visitors ?

79% of users say they will not return to a slow site

Returning customers convert higher than new customers - you need to keep them happy.

Some simple harsh realities of the search engine rules

websites that load in over 4 seconds will see lower search rankings

In your niche - a lower Search Engine ranking is very bad for business.

ecommerce sites taking longer than 2 seconds will see a drop in rankings

Google does not like to show slow ecommerce sites in their SERPs - Search Engine Results Page.

You have less than 5 seconds before customers will go elsewhere

You have less than 5 seconds to get your product on to the screen and available. Our ecommerce options offer this - and more.

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